Dave and Carmen Moore
Dave and Carmen Moore —In 1971 when a bus ministry was just beginning, Dixie Gray, a first time bus workers knocked on the door of Dave and Carmen Moore in the little town of South Pekin. Dave Moore was a jazz trumpeter in a dance band that played in area night clubs. The Moores had five little children at that time. Because the bus worker stopped, Carmen began to let her children come to church on the Sunday school bus. Shortly thereafter, Carmen decided to ride to church on the bus also. As a result she was saved.
Carmen got her husband Dave to come to church as well. When the invitation was given at the close of the service Dave went forward and was born again. Praise the Lord!
He began to grow in the Lord. He quit playing in the dance band and began to play his trumpet in the Sunday evening service, which he has been doing ever since. When an opening for the church music director became available, Dave Moore was asked. Today Dave Moore is the music director of the church and doing an outstanding job of it.
All of their children are enrolled in the Faith Baptist Christian School. Carmen is a Sunday school teacher, a leader in the Jolly 60s program, and one of the finest lady soulwinners in this church. It would be rather hard to persuade the Moores, or this church for that matter, that the bus ministry is not productive.
This post was an excerpt from Dr. David H. Sorenson’s book “From Buses to Drive-in Crowd”